
Why You Should Study An International Relations Master’s

Our world can do with a little more love and care right now. From war to poverty, deforestation to epidemics, we live in difficult times and face adverse challenges. The world is in need of individuals who have great ambitions and want to make a positive impact.

Studying international relations is a great way to deepen your understanding of global issues. It is a fascinating and important topic, focusing on economics, culture, education and political science, and examining their impact on society. You will also learn how and why countries, governments and individuals respond respectively to such issues. Let find out Reasons Why You Should Study An International Relations Master’s below.

Why You Should Study An International Relations Master’s

You like to debate and engage in challenging issues

Consciously the ability to reason coherently and with balance, especially in the working world of international relations is crucial. Intentionally misleading information and fake news are disrupting communities and reinforcing potentially dangerous agendas.

This is why we need people who can speak out against it and speak up for those who cannot. That is once of Reasons Why You Should Study An International Relations Master’s.

You like to debate and engage in challenging issues

Do you want to make a difference in the world

It is important to remember that international relations are not just about politics. International relations is about having cross cultural understanding and awareness of what is happening beyond borders. At IE University, the Master of International Relations program emphasizes the role of ongoing globalization and the importance of staying ahead of the evolving complexities that come with it.

The program is designed and created in partnership with the Organization for Economic Co operation and Development (OECD), which means that students are exposed to the inner workings of the organization and how they come up with a wide range of social, environmental and economic solutions.

People who study international relations tend to be passionate individuals who want to fight injustices and learn from history about what works and what doesn’t when living in a society single global.

Do you want to make a difference in the world

It’s a great starting point for your career

Depending on your experience, interests and aspirations, career opportunities related to international relations in the private, public and not for profit sectors are numerous.

If you are looking for a specific job in government, you may want to approach and consider a role in the security or intelligence sector. Working in government is not always bureaucratic and can be a great way to get involved in international relations projects.

While working for an NGO tends to offer more flexible and hands on work, the pay can be lower. Whatever role you pursue, you will have the skills and knowledge ready to make positive change. That is once of Reasons Why You Should Study An International Relations Master’s.

It's a great starting point for your career

The unique skills you develop will be in high demand

A master’s degree in international relations will help develop your understanding of how society and people work in a field that is highly valued by employers and organisations. Working in an international relations environment means that your interpersonal, analytical, decision making and negotiation skills must be unmatched.

A master’s in international relations will help develop this transferable skill set as well as your understanding of how society and people work something that is highly valued by employers and organisations.

You want to get real world experience

International experience is key to being able to see and understand how policies, strategies, conflicts and laws impact around the world. Many higher education institutions are now integrating compulsory work and study experiences into their curricula to ensure students put into practice what they have learned in class.

At IE University, Master of International Relations students spend a week in Brussels and visit the European Union and other international organisations. A master’s degree in international relations will help develop your understanding of how society and people work in a field that is highly valued by employers and organisations.

Students also have the opportunity to participate in an exchange program, where they will spend a semester studying at one of our renowned partner institutions Sciences Po in France, the University of St. Gallen in Switzerland or the University of Pittsburgh in the United States. Why You Should Study An International Relations Master’s.

You want to get real world experience