Group of medicine students and professor having anatomy class.

What Can You Do With A Biology Degree

Biological science is the study of life and is therefore one of the broadest subjects you can study. Biology includes everything from the molecular study of life processes to the study of animal and plant communities. Read on to see where a biology degree can take you and download our guide on how to find a graduate job. Let find out What Can You Do With A Biology Degree below.

What Can You Do With A Biology Degree ?

A career in biology in research

Scientific research is not only important in society but also a very attractive career for biology graduates. As a biologist, you will aim to develop your knowledge of the world around us by studying living organisms. Careers in research are perhaps the widest of all careers with a biology degree, as research can be conducted across all majors. That is once of What Can You Do With A Biology Degree.

The most popular is research in the health and life sciences fields, which includes areas such as health and disease, neurology, genomics, microbiology, and pharmacology. Researchers help develop social knowledge in many fields and, with appropriate additional qualifications, can be found in academia, research institutes, medical facilities and hospitals, as well as in businesses and industry.

A career in biology in research

A career in biology in healthcare

Working in healthcare as a biologist will help you develop campaigns to help treat and cure diseases such as AIDS, cancer, tuberculosis, heart disease and many more and more. lesser known diseases. While there are many roles that are not suitable for students with only a college degree such as physician and physician roles, the field is highly employable and biologists are highly sought after in the industry medical world.

Healthcare biologists with the necessary qualifications and experience also work as veterinarians, doctors, nurses, dentists, and other healthcare professionals. Biologists are not only employed in hospitals and other medical settings; they are also hired by organizations like the Peace Corps to bring cutting edge healthcare to developing and war torn areas. What Can You Do With A Biology Degree.

A career in biology in healthcare

Biology career in education

With a biology degree and teaching certificate, you’ll be equipped to work in education. You will enjoy working with young people and encouraging them to learn about the world, be it in a classroom, movie theater, lab or museum. The higher up you go in the world of education, the more qualifications you need.

For example, a university lecturer is often required to have a master’s degree or even a doctorate, while primary or secondary teachers usually only need a college degree and a teacher training degree. If you choose to undertake further research and continue working in higher education, you can create your own research, publish your work or become a member of an advisory board in the field your area.

Biology career in education

Careers in biotechnology

Biotechnology is the use of scientific principles to develop and enhance technology in a number of areas, including consumer goods markets, technology and business and industrial markets.

The focus is often on agriculture, food science and medicine, where biotechnologists can be involved in gene engineering, drug development, and advanced medical technologies such as nanotechnology. What Can You Do With A Biology Degree.

Careers in Forensic Science

As a forensic scientist, you will work in the legal field, alongside police departments or law enforcement agencies, to examine and process evidence gathered in criminal investigations. Many forensic scientists specialize in specific areas such as forensic dental evidence, forensic anthropology examining people for decomposition, crime scene examinations, and forensic roles. Medicine requires further research.

Careers in Forensic Science

Careers in publishing and scientific communication

Finally, what can you do with a biology degree if you are also interested in the world of media? You may be surprised to discover that media and journalism careers with a biology degree are also quite broad. What Can You Do With A Biology Degree.

If you are interested in publishing or journalism, you may want to use your biology degree to enter the industry as a science writer or work on a scientific publication such as a journal, magazines, websites, TV shows or movies. In these roles, you will be able to play a part in informing and educating the public on biological issues that are becoming relevant in modern society. That is once of What Can You Do With A Biology Degree.